A 3D Digital Twin is graphical and includes all associated data from the product's 3D CAD files. It is distinctly different from a data-based Digital Twin.
A 3D Digital Twin, enabled with XVL, is a complete graphical representation of a product. It combines all 3D CAD files into a single file and is a complete virtual representation. All major 3D CAD formats are supported.
The conversion uses native formats (not open formats) to maintain all associated data (metadata and even PMI). It also retains CAD-level accuracy for doing real work.
A complete virtual product model is made with all of the data from all of the CAD files used in the design. We call this the 3D Digital Twin.
The 3D Digital Twin, a complete virtual representation of the whole product, is perfect for sharing with any stakeholder.
It contains all the data needed for stakeholders to perform their jobs, yet it is simple and easy to use. It is also free for consumers.
Also, with XVL, there are automated mechanisms for updating the 3D Digital Twin when design changes occur.
The 3D Digital Twin can be accessed in several ways, including embedding it into Microsoft Excel. For this blog post, I want to highlight accessing the 3D Digital Twin over the web using XVL Web3D (one of our products). Web3D delivers streamed data to a web browser. Access is controlled with robust security included with XVL.
Usage is simplified because no add-ons or plugins are required for your favorite web browser. Any current generation of web browsers that support HTML5 can be used without modification.
And it's fast because of the ultralightweight nature of XVL. The next section outlines how to try it for yourself.
Below are four interactive examples of Web3D content produced by XVL Web3D Manager. They all use real XVL data and are streamed using Amazon Web Services. You can view the examples in any web browser—no download is required!
To get started, click the link in the upper left of each cell below. The example will launch in a new window. You can explore it on your own or follow the instructions on the right to get started. Each demo uses a different template to display the content uniquely. You can easily create your own templates for your company.
There are four examples below to explore: